Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Lunch: "Whatever is in my fridge stuffed sweet potato"

Today was a very gloomy rainy day and it just so happened that I wasn't feeling so good. So, Logan and I stayed in bed watching movies and giggling together. It was so sweet to see my energetic boy be so sweet and loving to mommy because I really needed it! Anyway, a few days a go I bought one single organic sweet potato knowing that I would need to make it as a lunch dish because Ryan doesn't like them! I could go on about how weird I think that is but I'll skip right to the good stuff. I saw a recipe on pinterest for a BBQ Chicken stuffed sweet potato and I thought that sounded interesting but knew I would want to create my own "fancier" version and way healthier too! I went to my fridge and started pulling out things that seemed like they might be good and in the end it was so yummy I knew I had to share! This was a filling lunch but would make a fab dinner too paired with a side salad. For all the sweet potato lovers out there, run and make this :)

Stuffed Spicy Chicken Sweet Potato
*Recipe serves 2
-One large sweet potato, scrubbed clean and cut in half lengthwise.
-1/4 chopped red onion
-3 garlic cloves, minced
-1/4 cup sundried tomatoes (I buy the ones in oil so I rinsed them off in my strainer and then chopped them)
-1 large handful of spinach, washed and cut in small pieces
-One large portabella mushroom, washed and chopped
-1/2 cup spicy chicken or turkey ( I had some spicy chicken meatballs in my fridge but you could use sausage or ground meat with spices too)
-1-2 TB fresh or dried herbs ( I used a combo from my garden of basil, oregano and sage)
-2 TB grated Parmesan cheese
Bake your sweet potato in the oven at 400 for 45-60 minutes wrapped in tin foil. Once it is getting close to being done, heat about 1 tablespoon coconut oil in a saute pan and when it is warm, add your garlic, onion, sundried tomatoes and mushrooms. After a few minutes when the mixture is caramelized, add your spinach and herbs and stir until the spinach is wilted. This is where I added my already cooked meat, if your meat is not cooked, make it separately and then add to the pan when done. After your mixture is all combined and ready to go, scoop out the insides of your sweet potato and throw that in the pan as well. Give the mixture a good stir and then fill your potatoes! Place the potatoes back on your baking sheet, sprinkle with cheese and place under the broiler for a minute until the cheese is melted. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Best Dessert My Husband's Ever Had!

The other night I made some slow cooker crispy chicken tacos and since most of the work was being done for me in the cooker, I decided to whip up a little dessert to be ready for later. We usually eat dinner at 5:30 because of Logan, who is 2, so by the time 8:30 rolls around and Logan is in bed, a little treat usually sounds amazing! Most nights I stick to sliced strawberries sprinkled with a little xylitol or dried fruit, but on the weekends I like to have healthy splurges :) I adapted the idea from this cake from chocolate covered katie, but my ingredients are different. Ryan literally said "this is the best dessert I've ever had and I want it again for father's day!" I love hearing that something I've made, and am uncertain about sometimes, is enjoyed, so I thought I would share here today!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake with Cashew Frosting
Serves 2
Ingredients: Cake

*8 TB of Chocolate Powdered PB ( I used "Just Great Stuff" again), but you could also do 6 TB of powdered peanut butter and 2 TB of unsweetened cocoa powder
*2 TB xylitol or sugar of choice
*1/2 tsp baking powder
*4 tsp. coconut oil
*6 TB unsweetened vanilla almond milk, or milk of choice
*1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Ingredients: Frosting:

*1/2 cup unsalted cashews
*1/4 cup pure orange juice
*1/4 tsp vanilla extract
*1/4 cup coconut sugar

Mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl and then add the wet ingredients one at a time mixing to prevent clumps. Then divide the mixture into small greased ramekin baking dishes or bowls and place in the oven at 350 for around 20 minutes (you will need to keep a close eye on this: I took mine out while they were gooey because that's how I wanted it, but it cooks fast around the edges and you don't want to burn it!) While your cake is cooking, place all the ingredients of your frosting in a blender and puree until smooth. Additional note on frosting: If you make this ahead of time and place in the fridge it really thickens and hardens nicely but it's still yummy right out of the blender! Once your cake is done, top with some frosting and sprinkle with a few raspberries for garnish! Yummy :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My "go-to" chocolate fix!

It's been a while and I actually considered not doing this anymore which I know is funny but I remembered the main reason I started this was to have a place to journal my recipes and experiences on our health journey; something I can reference for years to come. So, I have no idea who reads this outside my family, but if anyone wants to comment or ask for recipe suggestions, healthy questions, etc I would love to help! Until then, I will just stick to my own random bloggings! :)

Today, I want to highlight what has become a staple in our house and something I always have in our freezer (except at the current moment and man am I sorry!) I adapted this recipe from a blog I follow, and it is quite easy to change up, but every time I have veered from this recipe, I find myself regretting it! You most definitely need a food processor, vitamix, or some sort of high powered blender/chopper. I used my food processor. These take literally 5-10 minutes to whip together; enjoy!

German Chocolate "Fudge" Balls

3/4 cup pitted dates (I buy the big tub at Costco and keep them in the fridge)
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/16 tsp salt
2 tbsp cocoa powder (I use dutch but you dont need to)
2 tbsp shredded coconut
1/3 to 1/2 cup raw pecans
2 tbsp unsweetened carob chips (you could also sub chocolate chips)

*Literally throw all the ingredients into the processor and turn it on! Once the ingredients have combined into a paste, remove the "dough" and put it in a big ziploc bag, seal it, and form it into a log like shape using your hands to press it down. Then remove from bag and form balls with your hands. I usually get 15-20 balls from this depending on what size you make them.  When I made 17 balls once, I calculated that they were 73 calories each! Enjoy, I know I do! (Sorry I don't have a picture, but next time I make them, which will be very soon, I will update)-fixed it this morning :) Also, I should add that I LOVE to store these in the freezer; they are so good when you just want to pop one out for a treat!
